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Universität des Saarlandes Master in High-Performance Sport
Universität des Saarlandes

Master in High-Performance Sport

Saarland, Германия

4 Semesters


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* Плата за обучение в университете 289 евро за семестр.


The international Master of Science High-Performance Sport is a research-oriented degree emphasizing an international perspective. It is hosted by the Institute of Sports Science and the Institute of Sports and Preventive Medicine at Saarland University in Saarbruecken (Germany).

The international M.Sc. High-Performance Sport aims at improving the scientific approach to elite sports, in particular by offering courses in advanced research methods and statistics. Additionally, it provides insights into a variety of elite sports. Graduates have the opportunity to gain sport- and discipline-specific knowledge and experiences which are deemed important for future appointments in the sport science support and/or academia. Among other topics, they will be familiarised with international methods of elite training and performance analysis, international sport structures and talent identification/development programs as well as strategies for international communications and leadership in elite sports.

Degree overview

  • 2 years
  • full-time
  • 120 CP
  • Mandatory units “Generic aspects: Methodology and Basic Theories”
  • Elective units “High-Performance Sport”:
    - Medicine and exercise physiology in high-performance sport
    - Strength and conditioning in high-performance sport
    - Sport psychology in elite environments
    - Socio-economics of elite sport

International exchange options

  • University of Groningen (Netherlands; Erasmus+)
  • Университетский колледж Дублина (Ирландия; Erasmus+)
  • University of Technology Sydney (Australia)
  • Университет Рейкьявика (Остров; Erasmus+)
  • Университет Реюньона (Франция; Erasmus+)
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