Quantic Scholarships and Awards
Our affordable tuition model is enhanced by scholarships funded in part by students, alumni, and corporate philanthropy.
При подаче заявления в Quantic у вас будет возможность запросить рассмотрение следующих частичных стипендий. Если вас примут, вы будете уведомлены о любом предложении стипендии вместе с материалами о зачислении. Награды за заслуги обычно составляют 20–30 % от стоимости обучения и добавляются к любым стипендиям на основе потребностей, которые предоставляются студентам, испытывающим финансовые трудности.
Leadership Scholarship
These are merit-based awards recognizing exceptional academic performance and career achievement. We motivate students from a variety of industry and geographic backgrounds, including Women in Leadership, to build the highest calibre global classes.
Recruitment Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to students who opt into our career service which promotes job opportunities at our employer partners. This optional service is part of our employer tuition model that reduces fees for all students.
Impact Scholarship
These merit awards are given to exceptional global candidates based on their commitment to social impact initiatives, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and rising leadership potential.
Financial Aid Scholarship
Quantic is committed to broadening access to higher education for high-potential global business leaders. These need-based awards support students in financial hardship or living in a global region with economic disadvantages. Students must submit documentation and a personal statement. Award outcomes vary based on demonstrated financial need and available funds.