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Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) Master of Arts in American Studies
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)

Master of Arts in American Studies

Mainz, Германия

4 Semesters


На постоянной основе

15 May 2024

Oct 2024

EUR 319 / per semester *

В кампусе

* на услуги студентов и общественный транспорт, по состоянию на 2019 г.


Двухлетняя магистерская программа по американистике в Майнце тесно связана со всемирно известными исследованиями, проводимыми Институтом транснациональных американских исследований Обамы, и призвана подчеркнуть исследовательские взгляды на американскую литературу, культуру, историю и их теории.

Classes are taught exclusively in English.

Visiting professors from North America regularly offer classes in our program.

Мы приветствуем заявки от студентов со степенью бакалавра в области американистики или смежных предметов из немецких и международных университетов. В последние годы программа привлекла студентов со всего мира, включая США.

  • Начало: апрель (летний семестр) и октябрь (зимний семестр).
  • Price: 319,15€ per semester for student services and public transport (as of 2019)
  • Крайний срок подачи заявок: 15 ноября на летний семестр и 15 мая на зимний семестр.
  • Entry Requirements: B.A. degree

Why should I choose the Obama Institute and the city of Mainz?

  • American Studies in Mainz has a long-running, prestigious tradition, dating back to the 1950s.
  • The U.S.A. library, together with our general university library and the English Department library, offers students one of the biggest library resources on the topic of American Studies in the country.
  • The American Studies program at Johannes Gutenberg-University (JGU), Mainz has been certified by the German Science Council as one of the premier research and learning platforms for this field in Germany.
  • With over 20 active direct-exchange agreements, the Obama Institute offers its students a choice of study-abroad opportunities that is unmatched in size and scope. Together with our various summer school programs, our students benefit from a vibrant network of partner universities and scholars from around the world, including the United States and China.
  • Эти партнерские отношения и стипендии Обамы позволяют нам проводить широкий спектр гостевых лекций, семинаров и экскурсий с участием всемирно известных экспертов.
  • The city of Mainz offers the energetic buzz and cultural diversity of a state capital combined with the hospitality and warmth of Germany’s largest wine region.
  • Johannes Gutenberg University’s vibrant student culture can be felt on campus as well as in all parts of the city.
  • The close proximity to Frankfurt and its international airport allows for easy connections to Europe and the world.

We are looking forward to working with you at the Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies!

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